When producing academic regulations, please use the templates designed specifically for this purpose. These templates contain expandable boxes that are structured in the same way as academic regulations. You can download the templates here, and there are also guidelines and recommendations on how to fill them in.
If you need any guidance or help to produce academic regulations and fill in the templates, please feel free to contact SNUK. The submission of academic regulations complies with the process for producing academic regulations.
In connection with the review of degree programmes, the vice-dean for education has decided that new academic regulations cannot take effect until one year after the existing academic regulations have been conducted in full (all the courses and exams).
Changes requiring new academic regulations:
In connection with the review of degree programmes, the vice-dean for education has decided that changes in academic regulations cannot be carried out until the existing academic regulations have been conducted in full (all the courses and exams). Even though all the courses and exams under the existing academic regulations have been conducted, legal demands mean that some changes require the production of new academic regulations. Changes are also subject to the approval of the board of studies and the vice-dean. So departments should always contact SNUK to find out whether specific changes can be made.
Changes that can generally be made without producing new academic regulations:
It may be difficult to decide whether the changes you want to make require the production of new academic regulations, or whether a revision of the existing academic regulations will suffice. If you are in any doubt, please contact SNUK for an assessment.
The list above outlines changes that may require the production of new academic regulations, and changes that can be incorporated by revising existing academic regulations. Please note that these are examples, not fixed rules. An individual assessment is always required.
The submission form is used to present new academic regulations and ensure the transparency of the approval process by outlining this process and the comments that have been received. The submission form should be attached as the first page of the academic regulations which are being submitted, and will not be part of the final document. The submission form contains guidelines explaining how it should be filled in.
The submission form should be completed in the course of the process, and contains:
NB: The template is only used for the submission of new academic regulations. There is a different template for use when you need to make changes in existing academic regulations.
The second section of the academic regulations (Structure of academic regulations) contains course descriptions (see the next expandable box) and a degree programme diagram.
The degree programme diagram provides a visual outline of the courses involved as well as their ECTS weighting and type (compulsory or elective). The degree programme diagram can only be produced if a study plan has been drawn up. The template is called a study plan because it contains more information than the degree programme diagram – for instance information about exams and resources. The purpose of the study plan is to give SNUK and the department, board of studies, school and vice-dean a clear picture of the co-examiners, assessment, forms of examination, resource consumption and progression of the academic regulations. |
The profile of the degree programme is described in the first section of the academic regulations, and should give the reader a general impression of the objectives and content of the degree programme, the expected key competences of graduates, and the labour market targeted by the degree programme.
In order to achieve this, the section entitled “About the degree programme” contains a description of:
Academic profile | Describes in prose the purpose and content of the degree programme, the students’ most important core competences acquired during the programme, and potential areas of employment after graduation. In the academic regulations, the academic profile is called “Academic direction and primary subject areas of the programme”. The academic profile is important because it provides a holistic overview of the programme. This helps to balance the expectations of the students before they apply, and helps them after graduation by providing an overview of the competences they have acquired during the programme and how these competences can be used. The academic profile is also a requirement stated in the Degree Programme Order (uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen). In other words, the description contained in the academic profile provides answers to the following questions:
Learning outcomes | Describe the content covered by the programme as well as the academic and generic competences that students acquire during the programme. The learning outcomes, drawn up in bullet form, are divided into the categories knowledge, skills and competences and must reflect the qualification framework. The learning outcomes will be stated on the students’ diploma. A good description of learning outcomes should:
Please note that the learning outcomes must meet the academic minimum requirements if the graduate is to be qualified to teach one or more subjects at upper-secondary school. |
Course descriptions are part of the second section of the academic regulations, the structure of the academic regulations. The structure of the academic regulations contains both a study diagram (see fold-out box above) and course descriptions containing the following elements:
Course description |
Course descriptions contain, among other things, the course title and the following elements