Aarhus University Seal

Forms of examination

Forms of examination

Reflecting course content and testing academic objectives

The degree to which students comply with the purpose and academic objectives of a course can be tested using various forms of examination.

No one form of examination can ever cover the entire syllabus – you will always have to choose some things and leave others out. So it may be a good idea to use different forms of examination for different parts of the degree programme to strengthen the alignment between the academic objectives and the exam situation. It is important that you carefully consider which forms of examination you want to use.

The potential of different forms of examination

The potential of different forms of examination varies in terms of how well they support the alignment between the teaching and the exam, and how well they test the knowledge, skills and competences of the students. The different forms of examination support and thereby enhance different competences and study strategies among the students. There may be advantages and disadvantages associated with the different forms of examination, so it is essential that you make a conscious decision about which form of examination is best suited for the course in question. You can read more about the potential of the different forms of examination below: