You can use the checklist to check whether the academic regulations that you are working on comply with all the relevant requirements. The checklist has been drawn up based on relevant ministerial orders pertaining to higher education, and on other guidelines at the Faculty of Arts such as the review of our degree programmes (click here for more information). Please note that special rules apply to the degree programme in conference interpreting (see ministerial order) and Erasmus Mundus programmes (see ministerial order), which are subject to additional ministerial orders.
Academic regulations at the Faculty of Arts:
Bachelor’s degree programmesAdmission to Bachelor’s degree programmes requires an upper-secondary school education and compliance with specific admission requirements, cf. the Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Universities (bacheloradgangsbekendtgørelsen). The admission requirements can be found at and are not stated in the academic regulations. |
Bachelor’s supplementary subjectsThe admission requirements for Bachelor’s supplementary subjects must be stated in the academic regulations. |
Master’s degree programmesAdmission to Master’s degree programmes requires a relevant Bachelor’s degree or another relevant Danish or international degree of the same level. The academic regulations must state:
Master’s supplementary subjectsThe admission requirements for Master’s supplementary subjects must be stated in the academic regulations. |
Professional Master’s degree programmes
The academic regulations must contain:
SNUK will normally produce a draft of these provisions.
Bachelor’s degree programmes and Bachelor’s supplementary subjects
Master’s degree programmes and Master’s supplementary subjects
Bachelor’s degree programmesThese degree programmes consist of 180 ECTS credits (+ any introductory courses of 30/60 ECTS), including 15 ECTS for the Bachelor’s project and at least 10 ECTS for elective courses and a course dealing with the philosophy of science (normally 10 ECTS of general studies). A Bachelor’s degree programme normally consists of:
Bachelor's supplementary subjectsBachelor’s supplementary subjects consist of 45 ECTS credits, with 15 ECTS credits on the fifth semester. Tailored Bachelor’s supplementary subjects also have either 3X10 ECTS or 10 ECTS+20 ECTS on the sixth semester. As far as possible, academic regulations should be aligned to ensure that there are no structural barriers preventing the co-teaching of Bachelor’s supplementary subjects and Bachelor’s degree programmes. |
Master’s degree programmesThese degree programmes consist of 120 ECTS credits.
Master's supplementary subjectsMaster’s supplementary subjects consist of 45 ECTS (+ possible extension of 30 ECTS credits if the student is studying a core subject at another faculty). As far as possible, academic regulations should be aligned to ensure that there are no structural barriers preventing the co-teaching of Master’s supplementary subjects and Bachelor’s degree programmes/Master’s degree programmes. |
Professional Master’s degree programmesThese degree programmes consist of 60 ECTS credits and contain:
The programme is organised in the form of part-time teaching within a time frame of up to three years, but may also be organised in the form of full-time teaching within a time frame of one year. Part-time degree programmes must be organised in such a way that people who have full-time employment can attend them |
Courses and elective courses
Elective courses
Bachelor’s degree programmes
Master’s degree programmes
Professional Master’s degree programmes
Bachelor’s degree programmes and Bachelor’s supplementary subjects
Master’s degree programmes and Master’s supplementary subjects
Bachelor’s degree programmes and Bachelor’s supplementary subjects
Master’s degree programmes and Master’s supplementary subjects
Variation in forms of examination
Degree programmes must include a variety of forms of examination reflecting the content of the teaching and the working methods:
The following forms of examination can be chosen: Home assignment on a topic chosen by the student (perhaps including a product), home assignment on a set topic, oral (with or without preparation), oral with a synopsis, written with invigilation, portfolio, participation in the teaching.
Prerequisites for participating in the teaching: The requirements for participating in the teaching must be specified (both scope and content). A form of re-examination must also be defined.
Group exams
The form of re-examination should be chosen based on whether it can be conducted in the shorter time available.
Supplementary subjects
The exam on the fifth semester must be a portfolio exam or similar form of exam which is included in the course teaching.
The academic regulations must state whether students need to read texts in foreign languages, as well as stating how much knowledge of the foreign language(s) concerned the students will need. |
The academic regulations must state the language in which exams will be conducted. The following rules apply to the language of exams and teaching in relation to the language in which the degree programme is conducted: |
Language of | Language of teaching | As a general rule, | can be: |
Danish | Danish | Danish | English if the teacher allows this |
English | English | Danish if the teacher allows this | |
| English | English | Danish if the teacher allows this |
If a degree programme includes a project placement, the academic regulations must comply with the following requirements:
A project placement is an integral part of the degree programme to which it belongs and ends with an exam. The academic regulations state the number of ECTS credits and the learning outcomes.
The university must ensure that students achieve the required learning outcomes during project placements. The university also provides students with academic guidance as part of the process.
Project placements that take place in association with areas outside the university are subject to the approval of the university before students start them. The university will only approve such project placements if they are academically relevant for the degree programme concerned and can be arranged within the standard duration of this programme.
NB! Project placements may not be included in professional Master’s degree programmes.
If a degree programme includes off-site teaching, the academic regulations must specify:
The degree programme elements (in terms of ECTS credits) which will be taken at the Danish university and at the educational institution abroad.
Special rules about teaching, the conduct of exams and other issues relating to degree programme elements that are to be taken abroad.
The Danish university must ensure that:
The degree programme complies with Danish rules in terms of its structure and other issues.
The teaching abroad is structured specifically for the students admitted to the degree programme (for example, the Danish university decides the requirements relating to the academic content of the teaching, the conduct of exams etc.).
Degree programmes involving off-site teaching must state this fact clearly with a view to informing applicants that part of their degree programme must be taken abroad.
Off-site teaching may not exceed 60 ECTS credits of the programme elements on Bachelor’s degree programmes, and 30 ECTS credits of the programme elements on Master’s degree programmes.
NB! Off-site teaching is not permitted on professional Master’s degree programmes.
NB! Professional Master’s degree programmes do not qualify students to teach upper-secondary school subjects, so the minimum academic requirements do not apply to them.